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We are excited to share our draft programme in development below.

You can also find our list of fantastic speakers here. There will be more details added, soon so stay tuned.

Our events are participatory, experiential and engaging.

And they are sometimes challenging, too. This is not an event for sitting down and listening. There will be a variety of creative sessions, including art and music, inspiring talks, participatory workshops, open spaces, peer learning sessions, local site visits, performances and exhibitions! 

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  • Coffee & Networking - Getting to know each other

  • Welcome from the Bloemfontein Campus Choir

  • People Powered Change: Welcome, Introduction and Grounding

  • A Spoken Word Performance by Napo Masheane

  • Keynote: An Activist Guide to People-Powered Change

  • People Power in Action: Stories from Around the World

  • What Will It Take to Build a 21st Century Society (and Economy) That Is People-Powered?

  • Coffee Break

  • UFS Campus Tour: Interdisciplinary Learning - Introducing Key Centres at UFS

  • Lunch

  • Public Event: Making Our Universities Fit for Future Generations

  • Coffee Break

  • Navigating Interdisciplinarity: Science x Society

  • Closing Talk: Redesigning Institutions and the Role of Imagination

  • Closing Remarks from SIX

  • Informal Dinner

  • Reconnecting and Grounding

  • The Power of Art and Social Change with Napo Masheane

  • The Power of Law to Transform Societies

  • Inspirational Talks: Agendas for the Future - Part 1

  • Coffee Break

  • Agendas for the Future - Part 2

  • Lunch

  • Panel: Ingredients for Supporting Social Innovation Across Borders

  • Global Exchange on Thematic Deep Dives - The ‘How’ of People-Powered Change

  • Coffee Break

  • Art x Social Change

  • Dinner

  • Inspirational Talk

  • World Cafe: Weaving Together

  • Coffee Break

  • Fireside Chat: Challenging Power Dynamics and Redefining Global Exchange

  • Closing: Working at the Intersections and Future Actions - What Next?

  • Music and Celebration, South African Style

  • Final Lunch (optional)

  • Opportunity for Side Meetings

  • Open Space

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